Become your Own Life Coach

Why Become Your Own Life Coach?

By default, we are all imperfect beings, and in our quest for answers and for wholeness, we search and explore every option available. It is commonplace to see people spend hours painstakingly poring through internet pages, attending virtual and physical seminars, to seek answers to some of their troubling questions and pasts.

For persons familiar with meditation, gurus are usually the most sought after. It is commonplace to see people spend huge chunks of money to seek a guru, register in a masterclass, and attend ‘soul-lifting’ pilgrimages on how to solve their problems.

The common misconception of seeking out a guru is that people perceive gurus as having all the answers to their various questions. Drawing inferences from how they appear, their carefreeness to their lengthy speeches and quotes, their body language, and everything in between, gurus are made out to be experts in the field of tapping and unearthing our true potential.

Everywhere these gurus go, there’s a massive following yearning to learn ‘from the feet of the master’, take pictures of the entire experience, and make several posts on social media to notify their friends and followers that they’re now enlightened and empowered to face every challenge.

However, the noticeable demerit to all of these options is that it isn’t effective as perceived. Most people burn out after searching for answers and finding nothing. Imagine spending quality time, money, and resources to look for self-help and improvement tips to solve problems and better your life but end up with nothing.

The painful truth? Most gurus haven’t the faintest idea of how each of us perceive the world. More so, they do not even know the extent of the uniqueness of each problem. Thus, offering generic responses does not, in any way, deal with the specific situation of everyone seeking answers.

Your Brain, Your Solutions

Even though you may have shared experiences with your siblings, family members, or even friends, we are all unique and different in our own way. Even identical twins, though perceiving to have similar traits, have different perspectives and approaches to tackling problems and viewing life in general.

As we are unique, so are our unique positions to deal with our own challenges and problems when they arise. As such, the solution to each of our problems lies within us, waiting to be unlocked and unleashed to its full potential: our brains.

Our brain is perhaps the most important organ of our bodies. Over the course of several articles in this series you will discover how the brain controls our thoughts, actions, feelings, reasoning, and even our subconscious. You will discover effective techniques to discover your true potential and how to implement solutions by tapping into the unique power of your brain.

Over several articles in this series, we will examine some of the latest advances in neuroscience, and use this knowledge to help you discover your own blockages, and your path to success. The techniques will help you to proactively prepare yourself for when challenges come, how to solve problems without losing your mental health, and how to come out of issues a better person that you were every time.


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